Get your own! *** All the pieces *** Yesterday *** Tomorrow ***Who am I?

2002-09-22 - 11:36 p.m.

you can watch movies from my front yard

you have to make up the words yourself

tonight she told me she has no friends and her mom has a lump

so i should make her cookies

i wish it was that easy

eat a cookie made with love

and forget everything

but at least i'll try

i'll make the best damn cookies i can

Josh needs to disappear into a 6 foot hole in the desert

but i guess we all knew that one already

my mouth tastes like cigarettes

i had to have a few moments to reminisce

remember my first one

my first time getting drunk

getting way too drunk

so i had to crawl around my friend's house

throwing up green stuff all day

nothing like creme de menthe

it was so tasty going down

didn't look too good on my white shirt

remembering cow pastures and boys

evil boys that made me do things

i wasn't ready for

i did them anyway

how can i look back at all this and miss it?

strange how the mind works on memories

how you forget how you really felt at the time

right now, i think this day was full of crap

i came home to hear someone called to say hi

someone i don't want to call back

a bad moon hangs overhead

maybe someday i'll remember

with a warm heart and say


that day was great

yeah, whatever