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2002-09-24 - 11:41 p.m.

starry night puzzle

Nat Sherman's

pencils with ribbons tied around the end

that cub scouts thought were so cool

i said they were

because i could see them through their eyes

my plants aren't happy

i don't know why

my head's been hurting off and on

all day long

when will this end?

this imaginary disease

diagnosis: Hypochondria

some things are real

i sent a long reply

hoping to get one back

i wish i would've let him touch me

all this wouldn't be real now

i could've avoided all of it

just by letting him in

instead of pushing him away

i was never lonely then

i've been lonely ever since

best friends are hard to come by

a love that survives years of abuse

and misuse

it must be worth something

i hope this is what i want

i've forgotten already

was i actually on my knees

wrapped around you as you teased?

could you feel me trying to suck more out of you

than i will ever be able to?

will i ever get your scent out of my mind?

even though to me you're blind?