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Sunday, Apr. 11, 2004 - 12:11 a.m.

after 10 hours at work, every time i cleaned one mess i made a new one. all i wanted was to escape those walls with the tables and chairs and music i can't tolerate anymore. i thought of my vow to abstain from men for one year. with one exception. i haven't been able to make it yet. well, there's only 7 months left. until november. and this may, i didn't break off a relationship. because there was none. there's someone in florida that wants to see me. i've made no decision. i let him hang. we'll see what november brings. after the scorch of the summer. after the leaves grow back just to blow away. in the wind. where only voices float. he moved my mountains. now i can't see the sun. i know it's still there. i can almost taste it. and most of my dreams are indoors. when they aren't, that's when i have to get away. from this artificial town. search out the greener pastures. search out the shards of my soul. patch them together like a jigsaw. i can hardly keep my eyes open. monday starts a month of working every morning. no days off. no chance of sleeping in. the early bird. where's my worm? dig deeper in the mud. past the artifacts of yesterdays. i will find it. writhing and wiggling. wiggling and writhing. it's all fish bait. for the shark.