Get your own! *** All the pieces *** Yesterday *** Tomorrow ***Who am I?

Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 - 11:20 p.m.

i thought it would be hard. i was wrong. for someone who thinks they're wise, i can be so naive. when i stop searching the traffic. that's when it'll happen. i've saved all my movie ticket stubs, since i was young. the most memorable ones are not there. biodegrading in a landfill somewhere. or making up some birds nest. it's all for the birds. i always say that there's not enough time. the problem is that there's too much. too much room for procrastination. i'll procrastinate the things i don't want to do. procrastinate the things i do want to do. eventually the time will be up.

when the number was called, he was no longer in line. i let it all rest on fate. but there is no fate to rest on. no force beyond my control. all power lies within us. all the energy to beat our hearts.

too little. too late. i love you too.