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Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 - 8:46 p.m.

how i'd stare at that mouth for hours

imagining my fingertips surrounded by it

now i can't remember the pattern of teeth, how the lips curl into a grin

so much time has past

so much time is lost

some day i might not remember the name

connected to that face

forgive me for whatever i have done

intentional or unintentional

all i've ever known to do

was follow my heart

it has led me into some dark caves

where the only way out is to dive down

swim under the water

oxygen trying to burst from my lungs

whenever i escaped from a cave

i found you

silhoutted by the sun

and we were all smiles

and laughter

and friends

i don't want to abandon you if you don't want to do the same to me

maybe i just want to feel a solid piece of you deep inside of me

once again