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Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 - 10:09 p.m.

you will start the day laying in bed, attempting to sleep, but unable due to your thoughts of how you don't want to be desensitized to certain environments

you will finally fall asleep and get only about 3 hours worth

you will wake with sore arms from carrying pitchers and sorer legs from wearing strappy black heels

you will be late to every class

you will be drinking in the early afternoon

you will not know what to say

you will not understand half of what is said

you will be unable to decide what to do with yourself in a half-drunk state, so you'll return home for a 30-minute nap

you will realize just how difficult your next exam for your accounting class will be

you will return home to find out that your much-loved grandmother is in the ICU at the hospital and will probably be gone by the morning

you should have just stayed in bed