Get your own! *** All the pieces *** Yesterday *** Tomorrow ***Who am I?

Tuesday, Jun. 27, 2006 - 2:16 a.m.

even on the other side of the world, you were where you always are. right between my ears. it's as if the whole country were making sure i remembered you, as if i'd forget. your name was in every gift shop, and every now and then, a song would be playing in the one hotel, i heard: "oh no i've said too much. i haven't said enough. i thought that i heard you laughing, i thought that i heard you sing. i think i thought i saw you try." so many years have passed, and everything has changed, and yet, it's like everything went down yesterday. you are still crystal clear in my mind. and i realized that i grew up with your voice, i'll grow old with your face, and i'll die with your ghost. my standard for a partner has gone so high up because of you, and i'm afraid i'll never meet someone to match it, let alone succeed it. if you really ever loved me, i never truly knew.

and I love you.