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2002-08-27 - 11:48 p.m.

falling hard

for someone I haven't talked to

for over a year

memories flooding back

thought you were the one

maybe this is the proof

maybe you're not lost inside me

maybe love is real after all

maybe I want to believe all the lies

maybe it's worth it

to laugh with you again

to feel safe in your arms as no other arms could ever make me feel



I had a man who had his act together

What can I say?

I guess I got bored

so tired of giving so much of myself

trying to keep it interesting

when all he did

is lay back and watch

letting it all happen

doing nothing spectacular himself

apparently I'm attracted to boys who are vicious and like to lie

boys who cheat, but are predictable about it

boys who love alcohol as a best friend in a glass

boys who I can never believe will really love me

I guess I like to hurt

thriving on the pain

how sweet and familiar it can feel