Get your own! *** All the pieces *** Yesterday *** Tomorrow ***Who am I?

Sunday, Apr. 28, 2013 - 11:00 a.m.

i can't even fool my subconscious that you still exist in my life. i dreamed you banned. not only my heart knows it. every cell in my body is aware that you are dead. every synapse yearns to repeat old patterns. new thinking refuses. they'll never reconnect again.

my every molecule is screaming and begging for your return. but logic controls this mouth that knows better than to beg. and the forcing of reality restrains the hand away from the keypad of the phone.

there is nothing harder to accept than reality. mostly the reality that I am the only one that has ever broken my heart. the others were barely even there. you were just another enzyme. and all i am is chemical. action and reaction. repeat, repeat, repeat. this is where the repetition stops. the circle WILL be broken. and all that the circle holds, will vaporize into the ether. leaving me weightless. i'm ready to float.